Tuesday, March 13, 2007

On Faking it....

I just had an interesting conversation with one of my good friends April... thanks to the wonders of YM... hehehe...

A couple of interesting points:

1. Everything can be faked except for 2 things IQ and culture/breeding (LOL)

a. IQ

- You are born with your IQ, no amount of studying, reading, a master's degree or a doctorate can add to your IQ. Primarily, it is what you were born with... and the way you understand (verbal and perceptual) and analyze things (logical reasoning and spatial visualization) will not improve with time. It's either you have it or you don't.

You either perceive the world in an analytical/logical manner, (ie. macro to micro or chaos to order) or you are a simpleton, just following blindly without knowing the how or why of things around.

b. Culture or Breeding

- You are born into a "social class" as snobbish as it may sound or as hypocritical as it may seem... this still holds true to this day and age (yes, I know we're past the dark ages!!!)... Let me explain my point...

The environment by which you grew up with would define the way you carry yourself, or your behavior in any form of social interaction.

As simple as saying, "I beg your pardon..." "Excuse me..." to knowing which silverware to use when dining, all the way to knowing Degas or Rembrandt... will and cannot be faked. Although some may get away with it, to some extent.

No matter how hard you try to learn art and culture, the manner or behavioral factors of a social interaction will most definitely give you away.

As simple as sitting or getting in/out of a car, when/when not to speak or would nodding suffice, starting and engaging in a conversation... all of which are part of social interactions.

Again, this is the environment you grew up with, going to a class or finishing school for 6 months will not undo 16 years of your formative identity.

2. No matter how hard you try to fake it... if you ain't got it, it will eventually show. It's all a matter of time, and a person who is smart and cultured to spot a wanna be... Need I explain this part? LOL!!!

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